2020-11-13 灵修:God is great!


詩篇13:5 至於我,我倚靠你的慈愛,我的心必因你的救恩歡呼。 6 我要歌頌耶和華,因他以厚恩待我。

羅馬書8:28 我 們 曉 得 萬 事 都 互 相 效 力 , 叫 愛 神 的 人 得 益 處 , 就 是 按 他 旨 意 被 召 的 人 。




Psalm 13

Alisa Turner

I will confess some days I feel forgotten

Seems like You're hiding Your face from me

I will admit that I wrestle with my thoughts

Struggle with all of the sorrow deep

How long will you leave me here without answers

Crushed by the words of my enemies?

But I will tr​​ust Your unfailing love

I will rest knowing You're enough

I will give praise through all my days

You have been good to me

I will tr​​ust Your unfailing love

I will rest knowing You're enough

I will give praise through all my days

Oh You have been good to me

You have been good, ever so good

Yes You have been good to me





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